Big Friendship, Big Love & Big Grief

I’ve never really been into Valentine’s Day.

Well, I should clarify, romantically. I am all for fake holidays. I have been known to throw National Cookie Day parties and celebrate National Ice Cream day like the holiday deserves. So Valentine’s has always been a good excuse to buy chocolate (50% off the next day!), send friends cutesy, punny, ridiculous cards that are targeted for children, and obviously celebrate my gals like Leslie Knope taught us. Even the times I happened to have a boyfriend for the occasion, February 14th felt the same as July 17th or November 3rd. In my book, you never need an excuse for a cute card or surprise chocolate. That happens year round.


But this year I found myself ordering Valentine’s Day gifts a month ahead of time. I planned an epic galentines (guys and girls!) virtual Netflix party, complete with the same snacks from Target being delivered to all our doors. I scoured Etsy to find the perfect chocolate treat to show up on my friend’s porch. I venmoed some of my favorite ladies a surprise coffee-on-me Saturday morning surprise. Valentine’s, this year, felt as exciting as Christmas.

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Can We Stop Hating on Valentine’s Day?

Every year around the beginning of February, the same things happen: The gym gets a little less crowded, as people have given up on their New Year’s Resolutions. Pumpkin-flavored-everything fades from people’s minds. The stores get coated in shades of pink. People start making long rants about how they hate Valentine’s Day.

Single or in a relationship, I hear people go on and on about this horrible day. This stupid holiday. This annoying, money wasting, relationship breaking issue. And I’m here to ask… can we stop with the hate? I don’t get it.  I really, really don’t. Valentine’s Day doesn’t have to be your favorite holiday. It doesn’t even have to make your top 5. But do we really have to hate it?! It’s a day dedicated to love, after all. Read More