Christmas Presence

It’s finals week and I can barely remember what day it is. What time it is. I have 0 groceries and pretty sure I’ve spent more time at the library than I have at home. It’s been a blur of carrying my backpack to one library to another to a coffee shop, just to dump it on the floor and sleep for a bit before the next round. People ask me what I did last Friday and I stare at them blankly because, what is Friday? When was that? Who is that? Huh?

I had to say no to 5 Christmas parties this past weekend. I’ve had to say no to SO many things, so many people. I’m so ready to not have to respond with, “Can’t, I have to study” and “Ah, I’ll be at the library” or “Wish I could, but I have school!”. I’m so ready to sit with people and not be thinking about all the precious minutes of studying I’m missing out on. So ready to not pack up 4 different bags in the morning, with 3 different meals, and 2 additional layers. I’m ready for this semester to be done. Read More

Dressember 24: I am Luke Skywalker

For the month of December – in honor of Dressember – I’ll be blogging everyday! Thoughts on anything from fighting for justice to feminism, from dresses I’m wearing to books I’m reading, and everything in between. 

In this season of advent, we focus a lot on waiting. What are we expecting, what are we looking forward to, what are we personally waiting on? As Christmas is tomorrow (!!!), it feels like the waiting is finally over.

As I’ve been reflecting on this season of advent in my own life, I’ve realized what I’m waiting for. Healing, in various areas of my life. Boldness, in certain relationships. Answers, to questions I’ve been asking. And as I’ve been re-watching the original Star Wars trilogy, I’ve realized something else: I am Luke Skywalker.  Read More